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Vimax USA Original Penis Enlargement Pills

3,500.00 2,886.00

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Vimax USA ORIGINAL merupakan supplement produk pembesar dan pemanjang alat vital pria secara permanen dengan hasil yang sangat signifikan. Vimax original diformulasikan dari bahan tumbuh-tumbuhan yang berasal dari seluruh dunia terbukti berkhasiat mengatasi masalah pria dewasa.

Vimax original dengan cepat memperbesar dan memperpanjang ukuran alat vital pria hasil permanen aman dan tanpa efek samping, jadilah pria ideal yang sangat didambakan bagi setiap wanita.


Jangan percaya mitos yang mengatakan bahwa wanita tidak peduli tentang ukuran alat vital anda. Jika Anda memiliki alat vital yang kecil, maka tidak peduli seberapa baik, tampan dsb, berapa lama anda akan bisa mempertahankan istri anda, karena memiliki masalah dalam hal sexualitas. Kami melakukan survei terhadap lebih dari 50.000 perempuan, ternyata mereka lebih memilih ukuran alat vital yang lebih baik terutama panjang dan besar. Lihat hasilnya dan buat keputusan apakah Anda akan menggunakan Vimax USA Original atau tidak sama sekali.

vimax usa original

Cara Kerja Vimax USA Original :

Pada minggu ke 1 sampai ke 4

Ini merupakan tahap awal fase loading, saat ini tubuh anda akan melakukan adaptasi dengan nutrisi dari bahan vimax herbal, setelah beberapa minggu kemudian akan mendapatkan ereksi yang jauh lebih keras dan juga tahan lama.

Pada minggu ke 4 sampai ke 8

Pada bulan ke 2 ini akan mulai terlihat hasilnya, dengan perubahan diameter alat vital dibagian pangkal akan mulai menebal, tanpa ereksi Mr.P anda akan terlihat jauh lebih tebal dari sebelumnya.

Pada minggu ke 9 dan seterusnya

Sesudah 2 bulan dalam masa pembentukan Penis dari dalam, pada bulan ini akan terjadi lebih banyak perubahan, ukuran Mr.P anda akan bertambah panjang sampai 1cm setiap bulannya, akan tetapi anda tidak perlu takut karena anda bisa saja menghentikan pengobatan setelah mendapat ukuran maksimal yang anda inginkan (hasil tergantung metabolisme pada setiap individu). Saat ereksi anda akan melihat banyaknya perubahan besar bukan hanya ukurannya saja tetapi alat vital juga lebih keras dan juga berotot.

Aturan Minum Vimax Original :

Minum sehari 1 capsul dengan air putih hangat biar cepat larut ke dalam tubuh, vimax bisa anda konsumsi dimalam hari sebelum tidur atau bisa juga diminum 30menit sebelum  melakukan hubungan intim.

Harga : 450.000/Botol

Kemasan : Botol

  • What is Vimax? Vimax pills are a dietary sexual supplement that helps boost the size of your penis and enhance overall sexual performance. This herbal supplement has been helping men increase their sexual prowess for the last 10 years. Men have been able to achieve up to 4 inches of growth after taking these pills regularly.
  • What does a Vimax pill contain? Each pill contains vitamin E, ginkgo biloba, cayenne pepper, ginseng, oat straw extract 10:1 (avena sativa), rice flour, hawthorn berry extract and saw palmetto 45% fatty acids. Pills are completely free from yeast, wheat gluten, corn, milk/dairy, sodium, sugar, artificial coloring, preservatives or flavoring.
  • How does it work to increase penis length? Vimax contains traditionally known herbal extracts that work together to aid male virility and sexual health. Hawthorn berry extract present in the pill improves circulatory health to increase the blood flow to and from penis. Ginseng is a mental and psychical stimulator that increases sexual stamina. It is also considered as a libido booster. Thanks to Cayenne pepper, the pill also helps reduce cholesterol levels and triglycerides in the body. Men suffering from erectile dysfunction can also benefit from the pill, thanks to Epimedium Sagittatum, which helps strengthen erections.
  • Do these pills have side effects? Only natural ingredients are used for the formulation of Vimax pills so it is unlikely that you experience any kind of side effects. However, we suggest that you go through the label carefully to consider personal allergies and sensitivity risks with the ingredients.
  • Do VIMAX Pills Really Work? After many years of Research and Development, our company is pleased to offer you a 100% Natural and Safe Product that can safely and permanently enhance your penis. Discover what our “proven to work” formula can do for you by ordering today. Many men were skeptical at first but after they gave our pills a try their sex life and self esteem changed for the better. Start making the changes right now by ordering our product. With our 60 Days Money Back Guarantee you have nothing lose but LOTS to gain.
  • What will Vimax do for you? * Increase your sexual desire and stamina. * No more premature ejaculation. * You will have bigger, harder erections. Because of increased blood flow your erections grow harder. * Erections when you want them. Rock hard erections every time. No more problems because you can’t get it up and keep it up. * Stronger and more intense orgasms. * The appearance of your penis will arouse your sex partners. Benefits From VIMAX Pills Our pills will improve your overall sexual health, make you feel younger and give you more pleasurable orgasms. And to keep the effects of vimax pills going and to promote virility enhancement , you can take one pill 2 times per day.
  • Are The Results Permanent? Yes they are. You control the growth because once you reach your optimum size you could stop taking vimax pills.
  • Start Using Vimax Pills Today! We get many emails from our customers that say our pills helped them regain their sexual ego. It’s up to you when to stop taking our pills since they are 100% safe and made from natural products. We had one customer write to us that he decided to stop the pills after he no longer felt embarrassed when making love. He wrote us saying that now his woman receives an orgasm 95% of the time they make love, before she could barely get excited.


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